20 June 2019 was Arianna's graduation function from Grade 6. We went down to attend the function and to also take the time to celebrate our oldest son turning 40. We drove down with Katryna to allow her to see a graduation function and give her some time. We stayed at the Hilton Express to have access to a pool, thinking that Arianna and Jessika could come and swim, but they already had plans. Here are some pictures of the evening.

Now the stage is set for Arianna. Since we were not going back to Matthew's given that the ceremony finished so late, we gave her our graduation card before we left for the festivities.

Arianna is Saving up her money for a "SOLO" performance.

Arianna and her teacher

The family with the Jirsak's on the left and the Tassé's on the right...I am sure that was not planned but came out like that ;)

A note from Lisa & Matthew to Arianna on Facebook. I thought it was cute, so I posted it here:

"Another school year has come & gone and elementary school is over! Congratulations Arianna for being honoured with the Star of the year for your class, the star of the year for gym and the star of the year for your camaraderie! And to top it off you've been accepted into Elite dance sports studies. We are so proud of you!"

This one she did not receive at her grad but she was awarded the star of the year of her class for Phys edu.